Wednesday 9 November 2011

People. That's all that counts in this world.

Imagine now that every person you know is content and happy in all that they do (including yourself). Now, isn’t that a world worth fighting for? A world worth working towards?

A place where each of us is ourselves? Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, in terms of where we live today, how can this possibly be?

Each of will keep our respective heads down, focusing on what's immediately in front of us (which is ultimately focused on only ourselves), in order to better our immediate future.

But what of the future in general?

Humanity, as it stands, proceeds forward in the scale of time, focuses on how we can better what we will do now and later, without considering on how will affect those around us, as well as ourselves, in the future.

Each of us would be so much happier if each of us worked towards a future where all of us were happy.

This may sound like a load of hippy mumbo-jumbo, but you can understand what I’m getting at, right?

Irrelative of our own platforms of belief, we can all appreciate and strive for something like this.

The point of this is that there is something working towards.
And that thing is ultimately happiness for everyone.

Why do we squander our lives on such immaterial things, when, by working towards a communal happiness, we can all be content with what we have and what we can achieve?

Humanity, thanks to our years of civilised indoctrinization, has come to believe that we have to improve ourselves in order for us to achieve something.

However, one we all change to a mindset that believes differently (I.E: that we all we need to happy in order for each of us to be happy) then can we each being to achieve something that we can all be proud of.

My point here is that, as we stand today, each and every one of us needs to evaluate how we stand now so that we can achieve what we ultimately want in terms of the future.

Think now on what you want and think on what you can do to achieve that. What sucks in you life? How can you change that?

The answer is really simply, and you know it.

That's really all that I have to say.

Thanks for reading and I hope that this has change something in your world (irrelative if whether it did or did not)


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