Thursday 27 October 2011

The Beginning; Why.

I figured, given the potential future and theme of this blog, I’ll begin with Why.

People exist in one of two categories (at least in context of this idea);
People who "Do" for the world and people who "Do" for themselves.

Some people will walk through life and into their graves thinking that "Gee, this life is wonderful/terrible, let me make the most out of it so that I can enjoy/despise it to its fullest"
Then there are people who think "Gee, this life is wonderful/terrible, let me do what I can so that the world can change, for better/worse."
 Irrelative of whether they aim to affect themselves/world, and irrelative of whether they succeed or fail, people at least in their mindsets fall into these two realms.

Today, I realised that my biggest gripe with life is that I fall into the latter category and I fear that I will not affect anything; I wish to affect the world at large.
I saw that men (and women) such as Ernest Hemmingway, Adolf Hitler, Stephanie Meyer, Skrillex, The Beatles, Mother Teresa, Typhoid Mary, Yoda, Tupac, your sage and wise Grandad and even the hobo you ignored at the stop street all add to and affect perceptions/emotions/the world/ the universe/life.
These people will, to vastly varying degrees, morph the world into something new(ish). Everyone does, it's nothing special.

This is the butterfly effect, in its more humanitarian form.

-Side note: I actually despise the Butterfly Effect. While I’m obsessed with The thought behind it (butter fly flaps wings blah, blah hurricane. Action-Ripple-Reaction. Beautiful, simple, amazing.), my problem with it stems from the way people perceive it.
"Oh," says person, "butterflies can cause hurricanes, isn't the world amazing." Person walks away with metal images of butterflies in Australia fucking around with worldwide destruction /sarcasm.
Congrats, fuckwit, you've taken the littlest part of that idea and walked away with it. You've failed to fully comprehend the true vastness of the idea.
It's like people thinking stars are simple pretty, without realising the amazing implications of those balls of gas (floating an unimaginable distance away, throwing light across a universe so fucking vast that if you grasped it's true scale and power it would melt you fucking brain) and the affect that they've had on everything from cosmology, to science, to social imagery, to the fucking development of our culture due those pretty little baubles have had on everything.
The true beauty of the thought is lost on people who don’t bother to try grasp it. It’s like feeding caviar to a person who likes MacDonalds and thought that it was simply “fishy.”

But I digress, I’ll approach that thought in length some other time.

The point is that everyone can change the world; and I want to.
And in the largest way possible.

Since I lack the patience, skill and time (at this moment) to write a book or create some new school of philosophy or  gain the fame required to impress my bullshit beliefs on others simply by merit of my fame, I've decided to use the things I do have and will eventually aquire.

Studying journalism and having access to the internet has inspired me to use these tools, that I have had no real important use for before, to finally create ripples across all the spectrums of life that I can possibly ripple across.
Using this blog as a starting point, I hope to branch out and morph the world with my small fragments of written chaos.

Thanks for reading and I hope that this has change something in your world (irrelative if whether it did or did not)


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